
I enjoy giving (and attending) presentations where the teacher walks away with something practical they can use in class the next day. At the same time, I try to give a grounding in current research and leave teachers ready to dig deeper into the topic, if they want to. I often present on culture in the classroom, critical thinking skills, and ways to design better teaching materials. I also do presentations and workshops on self-publishing, marketing and selling materials on different platforms, and advice for authors.

Tips on Formatting a Manuscript

Ways to Get Reviews for Books

  • Drama for Natural Speaking Skills, Gallery Teachers Masterclass. The recording is here. Use code “onedaypass” to watch for free.
  • How to Build Community in the Classroom, TESOL 2019.
  • Using Mysteries in the Classroom, IATEFL 2018. Slides and Handouts here.
  • Materials Development & Language Learning Theory: A literature review, of sorts, MWIS Academic Session: Academic Theory and Classroom Materials: What’s the Connection? (with Eric Roth, Kelly Sippell, and Sharon Sargent)
    Slides, Handout, and Recording of my presentation
  • Taboo or Not Taboo, MWIS and ILGBTQF Forum Intersection Panel: Seven Topics Absent from ELT Textbooks (with Keith Folse, Scott Thornbury, and Lara Ravitch), TESOL 2017 in Seattle. Slides and Handout from my presentation
  • Developing materials for productive skills, TEIS and MWIS Intersection Panel: Training Teachers to Evaluate Materials (with Nikki Ashcroft, Carol Lethaby, Anne Walker, and Kay McAllister),  TESOL Convention 2015
  • Past the Five Paragraph Essay with Genre Analysis, TOBELTA Online Conference 2014
  • What’s a Word Processor, Teacher?, 7th Virtual Roundtable Web Conference
  • Bridging the Cultural Divide (with Mina Gavell), ConnTESOL 2012
    and Bridging the Cultural Divide Handout